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January 2015 NewsletterA round up of news and views Green Drinks on Thursday 5th February - Although the General Election is not until May 7th, we are offering you the opportunity to question Phil Chamberlain, the North Wilts Green Party candidate, about Green Party policies on the environment and the economy and any other issues that may interest you. We are meeting in the Green Dragon, starting at 8pm. Please join us.
Practical Permaculture for Transition - the 2015 course begins on Saturday 21st March and includes a visit to Jeremy's wonderful forest garden (right). Watch last year's participants' humorous reactions to the course, on our latest YouTube video, by clicking here... Check out the full programme here... and book your place by writing to us via permaculture@transitionmarlborough.org
'Awakening the Dreamer' Workshop - on Saturday 25th April from 10am to 4 pm, in the Wesley Hall, Oxford St. This workshop will be facilitated by Gil Hilleard and is being hosted by the local Quakers and the Poverty Action Group. It will be "a profound inquiry into how we might realise a bold new vision, an environmentally sustainable, socially just and spiritually fulfilling human presence on this earth". You can find out more by clicking here... The workshop is free but a donation of £5 is needed to cover the cost of the hall. Call 512205 or write to rachelrosed1@gmail.com if you are interested.
Climate Lobby - Cambridge's creative activist, Hugh Chapman explains why he has joined the Citizen's Lobby to campaign for a carbon pricing system, known as 'Carbon Fee and Dividend' as a way to mobilise the transition to clean energy. Read more here...
Cycling Network - A big 'thank you' to Andrew Jack and the Marlborough Area Board for funding the re-surfacing of Treacle Bolley. And well done to Ann and Peter for their patient perseverance. Once this work is finished children from Manton will be able to cycle to school safely. Please check out our new Interactive Cycle Network Map This map highlights the many remaining hazards that are evident along the route and must be fixed before the whole network can be considered safe for use, by both cyclists and pedestrians.
Thanks The Transition Marlborough team News and other information can be found at our Blogs Subscribe to Newsletter |