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October 2014 NewsletterA Note From the Chair Dear all - I find it amazing how the time flies, it seems no time since the AGM where I was both humbled & delighted to accept the role of chair of Transition Marlborough. I am currently reading and recommend to everyone, Naomi Klein's latest book "This Changes Everything" see http://thischangeseverything.org/book/ and I would just like to quote from page 7 where she introduces how she engaged with "climate change"... "I also stopped outsourcing the problem to the environmentalists, stopped telling myself this was somebody else's issue, somebody else's job. And through conversations with others in the growing climate justice movement, I began to see all kinds of ways climate change could be a catalyzing force for postive change." By reading this newsletter you, I think, have also stopped outsourcing the problem!!! I am inspired by this book and I see the Transition Movement and Transition Marlborough in our area, as a force for positive change. We have many exciting projects on going.... KCEL, the Community Market, Transition Streets about to start, the transport projects etc., etc!! We have a few interesting idea's from the community but we need more.... Do you have an idea for a project? Offering time & skills to help would also be great. Supporting by shopping at the Community Market on the first Sunday of the month is Fab too, AND don't forget the "Lights switch on" at the end of the November. A great evening for one and all. If you have anything you would like to share with me as a seed idea for something to help promote a more sustainable Marlborough area I would love to hear from you. Please email me at chair at transitionmarlborough.org or pop along to the next hub meeting, second Thursday of the month at the Green Dragon in the High Street - all are very welcome. Cheers & Beers Rich Pitts
A round up of news and views The Salisbury Road development: Please respond to the Crown Estates' consultation before 7th November by going to http://marlboroughnewhomes.co.uk/ and clicking on 'feedback'. If you would like to make sure that access to a new railway station on land south of St Johns Academy remains a viable proposition please insert the following comment, either under 'Comments on Option A' or 'Comments on Option B': Please ensure that the housing development is compatible with the potential railway development, south of St Johns Academy, by including an access road in the Salisbury Road estate. You may also wish to add comments on the following:
Don't cut our hourly train service to London! Following electrification to Newbury by 2019, the Department for Transport intends to cut our direct train service to London - find out more here... Please sign the Downing Street e-Petition by clicking on this link: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/70941
Kennet Community Energy: The 50kWp solar PV installation has now started at Devizes School with the scaffolding put in place on Thursday 23rd October. The installation and full commissioning should be completed by 31st October and progress can be tracked at www.kennetenergy.org.uk/Devizes+School KCEL second funding round: don't forget that Kennet Community Energy's 2nd funding round opened on 1st October in order to support the continuing development of renewable energy projects in north and east Wiltshire and the surrounding area. If you would like to become a Member of the Society and invest in these low carbon projects whilst gaining an attractive and tax efficient return, then click here to learn more.
Cheese-making course: There are 3 places left on this course, which is on Saturday 15th November, in a kitchen in Marlborough, between 10am and 4pm. The cost is just £25 and includes a free cheese mould and some delicious cheese to take home. Find out more here... and book your place asap by emailing permaculture@transitionmarlborough.org
. Thanks The Transition Marlborough team News and other information can be found at our Blogs Subscribe to Newsletter |