
Baby Clothing & Equipment


These items are expensive and babies soon grown out of them. Friends and family are often willing to pass them on or to accept them; charity shops are a good source (see below) and National Childbirth Trust holds sales.

When donating, all items must be in good condition with no marks, stains and holes. They should not be too old and toys must be clean and complete.

The folowing charity shops accept baby clothing and equipment: Prospect Hospice, Helen and Douglas House, RSPCA and Blue Cross, all in Marlborough High Street. Contact before taking if you have large items. Prams and buggies may not be accepted - check first.

The National Childbirth Trust organises sales of baby clothes, toys and equipment twice a year in spring and autumn, at St John's School, Granham Hill,  Marlborough; small admission fee (£2 in 2013). Posters in town advertise this or click here for details of next sale. Email  nctmarlborough@yahoo.co.uk or phone 0844 2436203.

Give away on freecycle or sell at car boot sales, community sales or on-line. As well as ebay and Preloved, there are specialist sites such as Nappy Valley.  (contrib: Jo Payne)


Baby clothing can be placed in a bag in your kerbside recycling black box or placed in textile bank at Marlborough Household Recycling Centre.

If clothes are not in good enough condition to sell, they can be placed in a plastic bag, labelled "rags" and placed in kerbside recycling black box or in the textile bank at Marlborough Household Recycling Centre.

Contributors to this page: Shirley Pryor , System Administrator and system .
Page last modified on Saturday 01 August, 2015 16:40:49 BST by Shirley Pryor.