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Avoid unecessary printing of emails etc off the computer. If going to meetings, take agendas/minutes etc on a computer laptop or tablet. Send paperwork for meetings electronically. Ask for bank statements on-line, instead of a paper copy. Pay bills by direct debit. Make bank transfers instead of writing cheques. Sign up with Mailing Preference Service.


Collect plain, A4 paper that has only been printed on one side.  This can be used for printing off rough drafts, emails and website information, when necessary, from your computer (though see above, Reduce). Use the blank side for making notes, shopping lists etc and children can use it for drawing and colouring.   

Clip odd scraps and pages of plain paper together to use as notepads. 

You can reduce the amount of new envelopes that you need to use by reusing old envelopes – applying a reuse label over the previous address (see envelopes).  Or you can used them as notepaper.


Paper can be composted at home, especially shredded paper. Paper bags can be scrunched up, moistened and composted at home.

Recycle paper, including paper bags, in kerbside recycling black box or take to the paper bank at Marlborough Household Recycling Centre. Recycle shredded paper in kerbside collection blue-lidded bin, with cardboard.

Recycle brown paper, including bags,  in kerbside collection blue-lidded bin, with cardboard.

Metallic gift wrapping paper cannot be recycled.

Contributors to this page: System Administrator , Shirley Pryor and system .
Page last modified on Wednesday 04 September, 2013 08:15:44 BST by System Administrator.