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Permaculture blog

Session 9: Forest Gardening

Published by Sam Page on 19 September 2012

This session was held at Jeremy's house in Froxfield. The front garden of Jeremy's house is actually part of a river bank and he is planning to use this space for his forest garden. So far he has planted several fruit and nut trees at wide spacings in order to create a 'seven level beneficial guild':












Jeremy's fledgling forest garden.  

A permaculture forest garden mimics the architecture and beneficial relationships of a natural forest. Food forests are not ‘natural’, but are designed and managed ecosystems that are very rich in biodiversity and productivity.   Food forests are designed to meet several goals: 

  • to produce food throughout the year
  • to produce forage for beneficial insects, pollinators, chickens and song birds
  • to create wildlife habitat
  • to nurture for our bodies through herbal teas and concoctions
  • to create beauty and sense of well being

You can buy seeds of perennial plants that are suitable for forest gardens, here...

We also watched this video about forest gardening by Martin Crawford:
