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Permaculture blog

Here's what to do with your spare apples...

Published by Sam Page on 07 October 2013

Do you have apple trees in your garden? If you don't have plans for all the fruit it may just end up being 'wasp-food windfall'. It is estimated that 90% of domestic tree fruit simply goes to waste and the young people at Marlborough Youth Development Centre  would like to change that; they are looking for local people with apple and pear trees who would like their spare fruit to make a difference.

Working with My Apple Juice (  and linking with wider local food projects supported by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, they are setting up an enterprise, fully supported through the Youth Service, to collect waste tree fruit, turn it into a saleable juice product and sell it to raise much needed funds for the Youth Service in Marlborough. On the way, they are also learning valuable skills to raise their confidence and better equip them for employment or setting up their own businesses in the near future.

We're asking that people either bring apples down to the Youth Centre in St. Margaret's Mead on Tuesday evenings from 6.30pm or contact us to arrange collection / delivery on Saturday mornings throughout October. We're aiming to have our product ready for sale by Apple Day on Sunday 3rd November at Marlborough Communities' Market.

If you would like your apples to be part of this innovative venture, please contact:

Milly Carmichael on 07876 230 540  /

or Jan Bowra at the Youth Development Centre 01672 512762 / 07747 455 746