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Cllr Rich Pitts Record of events

Entertainment in Marlborough with low transport costs and carbon emissions

Published by RichPitts on 26 October 2011 RichPitts


Launching Gala Film Nights at Marlborough Town Hall. Doors 7pm for 7:30 screening.

Dress code 80's Glam. Tickets £15 to include the film, a Greek buffet, and a chance to boogie!!!!

If you've not yet seen the fantastic refurbishment of the Assembly Room upstairs in Marlborough Town Hall, don't miss this opportunity to put the KVAT-funded projector through it's paces and watch a favourite film on the big screen whilst enjoying Greek dining - then follow it up with some discovating on the dance-floor ! Let your mother know that you're out ...

Film runs 108mins. Cert. PG Tickets available from or 07771704253

Why am I writing  about a movie event in Marlborough?

One of the most interesting idea's to come out of Cllr Guy Loosmore's Property commitee on the Town Council was to invest in a state of the art sound system and back projection system. In fact it if you attended the Transition Town meeting on the 12 of September you will have already seen it in action.

It has many uses but providing the chance to see films and perhaps live Opera from Covent Garden without having to travel out of Marlborough is one of the more excting uses of the system. Lower CO2 emissions for a fun evening, I think you will agree has to be a great idea... This event is the idea of Kennet Valley Arts Trust and Marlborough Downs Movies in Partnership with St John's School and the Town Council are looking to provide regular films at the right venue for the event. Some will be in the Town hall others will be at St John's School and Rabley Drawing Centre

Well better get on with my practising my moves to "Does your Mother know" move over Colin Frith!!!

Hope to see you there

