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A Solar PV installation journey

Solar PV Installation: submitting the all important FIT application

Published by geoffbrickell on 26 October 2011

The FIT application needs to be filled in and submitted as quickly as possible after the commissioning of the system, and certainly within 5 days, and my supplier Firegrass pointed me in the right direction to get this done.

The application was made to SSE (Scottish & Southern Energy) and all the following information was available from their web site here:

  • a useful summary pamphlet produced by DECC available for download here
  • the SSE FIT Terms & Conditions downloadable from here, and
  • the actual Application Form downloadable from here

A useful tip pointed out to me by Firegrass was that at the bottom of the Application Form there was a somewhat odd note that said:

"You will only be eligible to receive FIT payments from the commissioning date if you have provided a written request before this date"

So to avoid any doubt about not being entitled to FIT payments from the very start of service I sent an email to SSE on the 20th October, advising them that a new system would be commissioned on 25th October.

Filling in the Application Form after commissioning was straightforward enough but it needed to be accompanied by the completed MCS certificate, a proof of ownership declaration as well as a utility bill (for proof of identity).

Fortunately Firegrass supplied me by email with both the MCS certificate and a proof of ownership document as PDF documents, and I could also get a utility bill as a download from the supplier's web site, so all I had to do was scan the filled in Application Form and I was able to submit everything by email very promptly earlier this morning.


Later note: have just received (Monday 31st Oct) acknowledgement of receipt of the application from SSE - which says that they should process it within 4 weeks and then they will send out a contract for me to sign.