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February 2018 NewsletterFilm Nights – What a turn out for our screening of ‘Tomorrow’ on February 1st! 40 people in the audience, very positive feedback, new sign-ups for our newsletter, interest in the permaculture course and Repair Café and further forging of relationships with groups in our neighbouring towns. A truly inspiring film that demonstrates what is possible when people work together in communities, towns and cities to build a more connected, resilient and sustainable future. Please keep these dates in your diaries for our next film nights and look out for more details in the next newsletter May 3rd – theme of ‘Energy’ August 2nd - theme of “Food’ November 1st – theme of ‘Reflection’
Repair Cafe – The Community and Youth Centre is booked for Saturday March 3rd and we’ll be open from 2-4pm. We’re aiming for a Marlborough-style replication of Swindon’s Eastcott Community Centre model – basically mending, music and munch for a convivial and inviting atmosphere. We had some great responses to our last call-out for support so maybe a repeat will result in even more…. Can you darn a sock, glue a shoe, restring a guitar, bind a book, stop a chair wobbling, or just turn your hand to any number of small repairs to common household items, clothing and toys? If you are a mender and/or musician who would like to be involved, please get in touch at chair@transitionmarlborough.org
Transport, traffic flow and air pollution There is a growing and active group of local people who have come together through a facebook group - ‘Marlborough Traffic Problems’ - who are looking for solutions to the congestion and heavy traffic flow through the town. It seems like a natural partnership to see what we can do together so we look forward to exploring those possibilities in the coming weeks. A public meeting has been mooted by the group for March 1st. Let us know if you’d like to be kept informed of plans for that as our next TM newsletter will be too late to share details.
Bee Roadzz launch week – April 16th-22nd Plans are coming together for a week of action to really launch the Bee Roadzz project with a splash of planting and seed sowing, media coverage, public engagement events, school activities, talks, presentations, workshops - maybe even some music, art and dressing up! Anything to raise awareness and give people of all ages an opportunity to play a part in making our local environment and landscape a safe haven for all those crucial flying insects. If you’d like to get involved – creating an event, sponsoring an event, designing promotional materials, distributing posters and flyers etc – please get in touch. More detail of events coming up in the March newsletter.
New Economy talks There’s still time to come along to a New Economy discussion at The Jubilee Centre, Marlborough High Street, 7.30 – 9.30 pm
Copies of the booklets of supporting information can be obtained from neweconomy@quaker.org.uk and more info from Quaker.org.uk/new-economy. These events are open to all and are completely secular. If you have any questions please call Rachel or Barney Rosedale on Tel: 01672 512205.
Marlborough Food Assembly – is kicking off on Thursday March 1st at the Rugby Club. Food Assemblies are a growing national network of opportunities to connect with and buy directly from local food producers. Find out how to get involved as a customer or a producer at the new Marlborough Assembly here. www.thefoodassembly.com/en/assemblies/10229
2018 Introduction to Permaculture Course – starts on March 10th and a few places are still available. All session details and booking information on the Transition website (www.transitionmarlbrough.org)
Links with other local green groups We want to strengthen our local networks, like underground mycelium, for mutual nourishment and support. We encourage you to find out about and support our friends and their events in Hungerford, Swindon, Devizes, Pewsey and elsewhere in our locality. We’re all small groups of people doing the best we can – together we can achieve greater things. We’d like to extend a hearty welcome to John Schofield, the new chair of Sustainable Devizes, and look forward to our future collaborations. We’ve also been approached by St Mary’s Primary School to meet their very active Eco-warrior students and staff and see how we could work together and we welcome that chance to build local bridges right here in Marlborough too.
2018 Hub meetings will all be held at the Green Dragon, High Street at 7.30pm: Second Thursdays: March 8th, April 12th, May 10th, June 10th, July 12th, August (tbc to plan for AGM), September 13th (AGM)
For further information about any of these items, please contact info@transitionmarlborough.org
Many thanks and a happy, fruitful and adundant Spring to everyone. The Transition Marlborough Team News and other information can be found at our Blogs Subscribe to Newsletter |