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December 2017 - January 2018 NewsletterLooking Forward - new schedule for news letters - It might look like we've missed out a newsletter but we're just shifting the months so we're looking forward and not backwards - from now the month in the title will be the month coming up and not the month just gone. So we greet you with this Newsletter with a Happy New Year and a catch up on events from December and hope you will be able to join us on the 11th (see winter meeting below).
2018 Hub meeting dates have been set. They will all be held at the Green Dragon, High Street at 7.30pm: Second Thursdays: February 8th, March 8th, April 12th, May 10th, June 10th, July 12th, August (tbc to plan for AGM), September 13th (AGM)
Winter Celebration - The January meeting will be held over a winter celebration meal at Zaika Indian Restaurant, London Road at 7.30pm on January 11th. Please contact secretary at transitionmarlborough.org to book a place by the 9th of Jan. All are welcome.
Town Council Meeting in November on the Rail Link The Town Council was supportive apart from one member and will ask Wiltshire Council to support a feasibility study. Shelley Parker is asking for a traffic study at the next planning meeting and this could include potential solutions such as a rail link. A bus link to Bedwyn might be a short-term solution to current problems and could be investigated as part of the feasibility study. Claire Perry has recently supported a rail link for Ludgershall / Tidworth.
Bee Roadzz Update The founding plan, alongside Pewsey Environmental Action team, was to join Pewsey and Marlborough with closely linked pollinator friendly landscape. After a presentation at their AGM in October, the Marlborough Downs farmers of Space for Nature are now on board too and already planning how to extend more Bee Roads across their land to the West and North of Marlborough. They have also had a succesful funding bid to support that work. A project webpage is in the offing and funding is being sought to create a series of short films to document the project and encourage its replication in other areas too. Greatwood at Clench are planning to extend their horticultural education offer and will be making as much of their gardens and field margins as pollinator friendly as possible as part of that project. Look out for some bees in Mildenhall village in the lead up to Valentine's day, as a reminder that the early bumblebees are starting to emerge around this time and need some rich nectar and pollen sources to set them up for nesting and egglaying to ensure a healthy brood for the coming season. Mildenhall gardening club have planted lots of spring bulbs around the village, including many crocuses which are a firm favourite with bees. In Pewsey, many purple crocuses have been planted by the Parish Council in partnership with the Rotary Club to support awareness raising for polio eradication; the Purple for Polio Campaign - unbeknowst to them, they've also made a fantastic contribution to the Bee Road in the process! Please keep telling us about your bee friendly gardens and get in touch if you have ideas, space, resources or useful contacts to support building the Bee Roadzz.
Repair Cafe - Shifting our relationship with 'stuff' is a crucial part of creating a near future that is more liveable and sustainable. When we value 'stuff' differently, we look after our things, treasure them and mend them when they were repairable instead of throwing them away and buying something new. Mending skills are also being lost but luckily there is a solution... After a visit to the well-established Repair Cafe at Eastcott Community Centre in Swindon, plans are budding to bring something similar to Marlborough. In Swindon, the set-up is convivial and inviting with live music, tea and cake, a 'free shop' and several menders and fixers offering a variety of repair services. Electricals and bicycle repairs need special insurance cover but pretty much anything else goes. The music and refreshments really turn it into a friendly community event and we'd like to replicate that idea too. Can you darn a sock, glue a shoe, restring a guitar, bind a book, stop a chair wobbling, or just turn your hand to any number of small repairs to common household items and toys? If you are a mender and/or musician who would like to be involved, please get in touch at chair at transitionmarlborough.org.
New Economy talks reminder First One 9th of Jan!!! Programme for New Economy reading and discussion group to be held at The Jubilee Centre, Marlborough High Street, 7.30 – 9.30 pm
Copies of the booklets of supporting information can be obtained from neweconomy@quaker.org.uk and more info from Quaker.org.uk/new-economy. These events are open to all and are completely secular. If you have any questions please call Rachel or Barnie Rosedale on Tel: 01672 512205.
Film Nights - Transition Film nights are back in the calandar! Please put the following dates in your diaries - Thursdays February 1st, May 3rd, August 2nd and November 1st. Not entirely accidentally, these dates correspond with the times of transition to a new season so seemed like appropriate times to host a film to encourage new ideas and celebrate our progress. In February we are screening the inspiring film 'Demain' (Tomorrow) at the newly refurbished Youth and Community Centre. In May the theme will be 'Energy' as we head towards the height of summer, in August it will be 'Food' as harvest time approaches and in November we'll have a theme of 'Inner Transtion' as we pull in our energies for the winter and focus on what is closest to home. Venues and further details in the next newsletter.
Update from Kennet Community Energy (from their recent member update) "All of our sites have operated at a satisfactory level throughout the year and are continuing to do so now, although we are seeing an occasional inverter problem at the Devizes School site which we are keeping an eye on. We will of course provide full details of all operational matters and financial results in the normal way in the Spring. We are also pleased to announce that, as agreed by members at the last AGM, and as provided for in KCEL’s objectives, we have recently made a £3,000 donation of surplus profits to the Wiltshire Community Foundation for them to distribute as they see fit under their Surviving Winter campaign; this provides assistance to those who may be having difficulty with keeping warm and paying their fuel bills. We are pleased to make this contribution on your behalf but if you wish to make a personal payment of your own please contact the Foundation directly at www.wiltshirecf.org.uk"
For further information about any of these items, please contact info at transitionmarlborough.org
many thanks and a happy, fruitful and adundant New Year to everyone. The Transition Marlborough Team News and other information can be found at our Blogs Subscribe to Newsletter |