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May 2012 NewsletterA round up of news and views The Need for Joined-up Public Transport - This report will be presented to Wiltshire Councillors by the Transport Group at the next Marlborough Area Board Meeting in Aldbourne Memorial Hall, Oxford Street, Aldbourne, Wiltshire. SN8 2DQ, at 7pm, next Tuesday 29th May.
Please come along and support us if you can - I've been told it will be the first item....
Are you concerned about the proposed 50% cut in the Bedwyn bus service? - check out Louisa's blog to find out why this is unfair.
Green Drinks - Roger Croft who is a specialist in the production of wood pellets from recycled wood and ecofriendly boilers, will be our guest speaker on Tuesday 12th June at 8pm in the Green Dragon.
Marlborough Communities Market now has it own website - please visit it if you want to find out about its Guiding Principles, hire a stall or contribute £10 to become a 'Friend of the Market'. Don't forget that the new Sunday Market starts on 1st July. The Practical Permaculture for Transition - is in full swing, so far we have covered five different topics: Principles, Ethics and Philosophy; Soil as a living system; Creating a closed system with chickens; Renewable Energy and Natural Pest Management. Transition Marlborough has joined the Permaculture Association! You can down-load the latest Permaculture e-bulletin here... The Recycling Group took part in Compost Awareness Week - by highlighting the Town Council's intention to give free bags of compost to the local allotment holders. See Michelle, Rich and Derek posing with Hill's Recycling workers, here. Did you know that it only costs £1 to fill your you own bag with compost at the local Recycling Centre? It's great for container-grown potatoes. If you want to make your own compost, it is important to get the Carbon-Nitrogen balance right, find out more, here. You can also find out how many ways composting can reduce your impact on the environment, here. The government has published their Bio-Energy Strategy - you can read Nick's summary here... Did you know - that the volume of water that goes into producing food for a family of four would fill one and a half Olympic swimming pools? Find out more here... We achieved something of a milestone this month with the 100th blog posting which is quite an achievement in the short time that we have been running the web site. As you will have noticed many of the items we include in this newsletter will link back to a more detailed blog post, and the web site automatically provides the links the latest 6 postings, but if you want to look back at any of the posts you just have to use the various Blogs menus at the top of the screen on the web site.
If you have any feedback on the content or style of this Newsletter or have some news or a relevant event we could publicise then do let us know.
Finally please do forward on this Newsletter when you receive it as an email, to anyone else that you think may be interested. They can then also subscribe to it by clicking the link at the bottom of the page. However if you receive this unexpectedly as a direct email from us and do not wish to continue to receive future editions then the Unsubscribe link is also at the bottom of the page.
The Transition Marlborough team
News and other information can be found at our Blogs Subscribe to Newsletter |