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Video Cassettes

These are no longer accepted by charity shops.

Great Western Cameras in Market Street, Swindon (01793 614754) offers a service of transferring tapes to DVD. They will also transfer slides, negatives and cine film to DVD.


There is not  currently a local facility for recycling these: they cannot be recycled at the Household recycling Centre. However, there is a company (Environmental Media Solutions) that will recycle domestic household cassette & VHS tapes, CDs & DVDs and their cases. They will accept up to 100 items free of charge per household but you will need to pay for postage. Click here for details (contrib: Emma Croft, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust)


Contributors to this page: Shirley Pryor and system .
Page last modified on Saturday 22 June, 2013 20:00:54 BST by Shirley Pryor.