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Practical Permaculture News and Events Updates

Next Permaculture Group meeting: is on Saturday, 4th March, 10am to 12pm. Contact: if you would like to join in.


Practical Permaculture for Transition Course


Several members of the Permaculture Group have been facilitating this multi-session training course in and around Marlborough for the past 6 years.  Here is the outline programme for the 2018 course.

Practical Permaculture for Transition Course Programme 2018
Date Topic Facilitators Venue
10 March

Course introduction, Ethics, Philosophy and links to Transition

All facilitators Manton
24 March Exploring the Principles of Permaculture Gerald and Milly Marlborough
14 April Permaculture design tools for living Gerald Marlborough
28 April Soil as a living system Jeremy and Bridget Marlborough
12 May The art of composting Barney and Milly Marlborough
26 May Energy - understanding renewables   TBC
9 June Enegy - Low energy living: reducing demand Jane K&A canal
23 June Using biodiversity to manage pests naturally Sam and Bridget Marlborough
 7 July The Bee Roadzz - pollinators and flying insects TBC

Marlb' Downs

8 Sept Forest gardening with chickens Jeremy Froxfield
22 Sept Social permaculture and Cultural Emergence Milly Mildenhall

+ August - date TBC - Open day visit to Shumei organic farm in Yatesbury

+ 13 October - end of course celebration and next steps



Rachel and Barney Rosedale (Graduates of Bristol Permaculture Design Course, 2010) Gerald Payne (Graduate of Gloucester Permaculture Design Course), Milly Carmichael (Graduate of Wales Permaculture Design Course 2013, Facilitator of Social Permaculture and Composting Champion), Jeremy Dawes (forest gardener, chicken system designer and student of soil life), Sam Page (Farmer-Field School Trainer; ex Permaculture facilitator at Fambidzanai, Harare)

Time: 9.30am to 12pm on Saturday mornings, beginning on Saturday 10 March and ending on Saturday 13 October 2018.  

Cost: £60 for full 12-session course (this price equates to just £5 per session and includes a free copy of 'Permaculture in a Nutshell' by Patrick Whitefield and handouts pertinent to each session). Please note - you can join in any of the sessions that you may have to miss when we run the course again next year at no additional cost. Payment options will be offered on booking, including installments if needed. 

Venues: Private gardens and allotments in and around Marlborough and neighbouring villages. A visit to a local organic farm will also be arranged. Tea and coffee, with 'bring-and-share' snacks will be provided.

Maximum number of participants: 10

You can book your place on the 2018 course by contacting us at:


Watch the reactions of recent participants here:


Permaculture Projects listing:

Contributors to this page: Milly Carmichael and Sam Page .
Page last modified on Saturday 03 February, 2018 16:42:47 GMT by Milly Carmichael.