
Video Project News and Events Updates

Next Permaculture Group meeting: is on Saturday, 4th March, 10am to 12pm. Contact: permaculture@transitionmarlborough.org if you would like to join in.


Video Project

We were able to buy a video camera thanks to a grant from the Marlborough Area Board.  So far we have made two videos documenting our permaculture course. Then Jane Laurie, SEACS Energy Ambassador, persuaded Wiltshire Council to fund an up-grade of our skills by sponsoring retired BBC cameraman Ali Cameron to show us how to film and edit a short video more professionally. 

As a result we have recently produced two more videos - one on district heating and the other on water harvesting and solar energy generation at a house in Manton.  You can see the improvement in our technique, if you visit our YouTube channel 

More videos are planned, but we still need more ideas, please get in touch, via permaculture@transitionmarlborough.org if you can help.


Permaculture Projects listing:

Contributors to this page: System Administrator , Sam Page and system .
Page last modified on Friday 29 August, 2014 13:54:03 BST by System Administrator.