
Permaculture Projects News and Events Updates

Next Permaculture Group meeting: is on Saturday, 4th March, 10am to 12pm. Contact: permaculture@transitionmarlborough.org if you would like to join in.


Permaculture Projects

We are a growing band of practising permaculturists - all graduates of the Practical Permaculture for Transition course.  Our aim is to improve self-sufficiency in terms of healthy food, heating our homes and managing waste.  We meet once a month to discuss new ideas and also support each other by sharing seeds, pea sticks, garden produce and chocolate brownies; as well as by collecting manure and harvesting fallen trees to power our wood-burning stoves.  In addition, we pool our skills and resources to run the annual permaculture course, maintain the Community Orchard and facilitate other ad-hoc training courses (such as cheese-making). 

You are invited to attend these low cost training courses and we would welcome your input on ways of further improving self-reliance in Marlborough.  Do get get in touch via permaculture@transitionmarlborough.org


Permaculture Projects listing:

Contributors to this page: Sam Page and System Administrator .
Page last modified on Wednesday 10 September, 2014 12:57:47 BST by Sam Page.