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Groups News and Events Updates

This year's AGM will be Thursday 18th September at 7.30 p.m. upstairs in the BEAR (on the corner of the High St and The Parade). 

Speaker:  Shane Hughes of REconomy, Transition Network.

Everyone is welcome - if you've not talked with us before this is a good opportunity to find out what we have been doing and whether you would like to help in some way.

Transition Marlborough Groups

Transition Marlborough is 'organised' into a number of different Groups that each work independently within the context of our overall Constitution developing their own projects, with some overall coordination and steering provided by what is known as the Hub Group.

Anyone can join any of the Groups by becoming a TM Member, a simple sign-up process that just requires agreement to the Constitution (click here for more information).

The table below provides a summary of all the current Groups with a brief description of they each do and how to contact them.

Come and join us - and help to make the Marlborough area more sustainable as we all grapple with the impacts of depleting fossil fuel resources, climate change, and the resultant environmental and economic challenges.


Group What do they do email address(es) to contact them
Hub Group Meeting 2nd Thursday of the month at the Green Dragon (or whenever needed) to provide some (very light touch!) coordination and steering. Each Group is represented but anyone can attend the meetings where the individual Groups' progress are reported and TM's finances, web system evolution, etc., discussed. for any general enquiries or to contact the current TM Chair.
Energy Group No longer functoning as an onging Group having evolved all its current activity into the Community Energy Company (click here for more details)  
Food Group Involved with a wide range of projects aimed at enhancing and maintaining a sustainable local network to create food security, including our bulk buying groups and Marlborough Communities Market, in the High Street on the first Sunday of the month.
Transport Group Working to reduce carbon emissions by lobbying local politicians to improve public transport, up-grade the cycle network and extend the electric railway main line to terminate at Marlborough. Meetings held every 4-6 weeks in the Green Dragon pub, on the High Street in Marlborough.
Recycling Group Working with local authorities, businesses, schools and local people to reduce waste to a minimum and increase re-use and recycling to a maximum.
Climate Group Within a broad 'climate' context the Group work on projects with other Transition Groups, but also on off-beat liaison, awareness-raising and efforts that defy categories !
Permaculture Group Encouraging, and supporting via an annual training programme, the adoption of sustainable local food production.  The ongoing Group meets the first Saturday of the month at different venues to continue learning, sharing ideas and experiences.

Contributors to this page: System Administrator and Alexandra Wax .
Page last modified on Saturday 21 October, 2017 15:50:23 BST by System Administrator.