Food News and Events
Next Food Group Meeting is at 6 Savernake Crescent, on Monday... at 7:30pm
More than 1,000 needy children in Devizes constituency are missing out on free school meals. Check the map here...
Next Marlborough Communities' Market is Sunday 2nd November 10-3 p.m. in the High Street. Come and join us!
Love Food Hate Waste latest news here
Eat less meat to prevent climate change. Read more here...
Does our food have a carbon footprint? Find out here...
How to Feed the World in 2050 - watch here...
Poorer families cut fruit and veg consumption by 30% - read more...
Some recent Blog posts
First Sunday Market is a great success!
Hazelnuts from my garden tree,
What to do with your spare apples,
What is biochar?
Can Marlborough be self-sufficient in food?
Food Group homepage
FOOD SOVEREIGNTY is (defined by Wikipedia as) a term coined by members of Via Campesina in 1996 to refer to a policy framework advocated by a number of farmers, peasants, pastoralists, fisherfolk, indigenous peoples, women, rural youth and environmental organizations, namely the claimed ‘right’ of peoples to define their own food, agriculture, livestock and fisheries systems, in contrast to having food largely subject to international market forces.
Food is a basic human right. Everyone should be able to have access to safe, nutritious and culturally appropriate food in sufficient quantity and quality to sustain a healthy life with full human dignity.
For us, in the Marlborough area, this is enhancing and maintaining a sustainable local network to create food security.
It would include:
- organic food, grown without petrochemical fertilisers and pesticides
- low food mileage to reduce fuel usage
- reducing waste by making food appropriate to local needs
- swapping surplus food grown in individual gardens
- education for re-creating a consciously healthy local population
- low cost food, i.e. grown oneself; creating a food cooperative for local production and bulk buying
- forging links with other groups – local and national
And more as we grow…
IF YOU have any ideas, get in touch