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Climate Group
News and Events  

London Climate March

On Sunday November 29th, on the eve of the crucial UN climate talks in Paris, hundreds of thousands of us will take to the streets major cities across the world demanding for action on climate change.


We've booked a coach from Marlborough
info from Jo  513950 / joripley at phonecoop.coop


The regular monthly meeting of Marlborough's Citizens' Climate Lobby is now the second Wednesday of the month, 7.30 @ Judy's: The Flat, 46 Kingsbury Street

If you want to know about the workable solution to climate change, join us!  



The fossil fuel divestment movement is worldwide and growing fast.
http://moveyourmoney.org.uk/   - how to move your money from dirty energy
and info on options for climate-friendly investment providing good financial returns.




Time Running Out

Be one of millions of voices worldwide calling for Action Now on Climate Change.

In Marlborough we're getting urgent action postcards signed for the Prime Minister to deliver in the run-up to the Paris Climate Summit in December.

You can also collect them from, & return to, Judy’s @ The Flat, Patten Alley (by St Mary’s Church) - 514093

- as well as join us for for a stint on the High Street on Wednesday mornings (weather permitting) from 11.30.

This recent quote from the former EU Climate Commissioner, Connie Hedegaard, inspires action!

It is the European public who makes it almost untenable for a leader to ignore climate change. Environmental organisations have done a fine job keeping the issue on the agenda.



Our history: Marlborough Climate Pledge

In 2005, a group of us decided we needed to bring people together, invite them to make specific pledges to reduce energy with aim to reduce carbon emissions (with suggestions from our Pledge Booklet) – and, within a year, personally follow them up, by email or telephone, so that each person’s actions would be recognized, acknowledged, and recorded,  for the encouragement of all.

In 2006, we launched Marlborough Climate Pledge, with former Environment Minister Michael Meacher, MP, addressing a packed Town Hall on this subject, inspiring a wave of action which resulted in a savings of 1.2 tonnes of CO2 per pledger (calculated with the help of EST, the Energy Savings Trust) – 5% of average household emissions.

We continued to gather and record pledges for several years, supported by a varied programme of events and projects to educate each other and facilitate our efforts, working with groups and organizations as well as individuals: films, talks, workshops, school events, advocacy & campaigning, establishing a Community Allotment, regular Green Drinks.



Pledge Gathering on Climate Day, 2007



Contributors to this page: Jo and Sam Page .
Page last modified on Thursday 08 October, 2015 09:59:24 BST by Jo.