
Who are we?


We are local residents who are keen to work with Wiltshire, Town and Parish Councils in the Marlborough Area, plus other interested organisations and businesses to protect the Marlborough Area Community from the rising costs of food, energy and transport and to address issues of waste.  We also seek to enhance and promote the local economy.  Transition is based on the Permaculture principles of Earth Care, People Care and Fair Shares.  We grew out of, and have merged with, Marlborough Climate Pledge.

We intend to do this by promoting community driven projects in food sovereignty, renewable energy, sustainable transport and recycling in its broadest sense.  We also teach 'Re-skilling' courses and participate in St. John's annual Science Fair.

Whilst we have been going for a few years we are still developing ideas and projects about transforming the Marlborough Area into a 'transition community'.

If you are interested in getting involved and contributing to this process you can apply to become a Member here. Or if you just have a general enquiry about what we are doing then please contact us at enquiries@transitionmarlborough.org

If you are specifically interested in joining one of the project areas or have a question about one of them please contact an individual Group at:

But if you just want to keep in touch you can subscribe to our Newsletter.

Contributors to this page: System Administrator , NickSted , Alexandra Wax and Sam Page .
Page last modified on Saturday 21 October, 2017 15:42:01 BST by System Administrator.