(Contrib: Jo Payne and Michelle Luck)
Reduce and reuse
Buy and sell bikes through adverts in local shops and newspapers, e-bay or give away on free-cycle; or take advantage of car boot sales (often once a month from March - Sept, see local posters for details), community sales and St John's Big Bike Sale (once a year, in March at the secondary school on Granham Hill - look out for posters).
Bertie Maffoons, in Marlborough Business Park, Salisbury Road, Marlborough, hires out children's and adults' bikes. Tel: 01672 519119
Bertie Maffoons (see above) runs courses on bike maintenance (fee payable) and they also do servicing and repair.
Fix the Bike in Marlborough, Tel:01672 511246 or 07785 926021. They will service and repair bikes at your home or office, or in their workshop (fee payable).
Take to Marlborough Household Recycling Centre and ask where to put them. They are collected in a skip and then sent for repair/refurbishment by HM Prison Service, prior to shipping to The Gambia in Africa. The bikes 4 Africa project is part of jole rider, an education organisation charity.