BBC4 seeks info on waste
Lambent Productions have been commissioned by BBC4 to make a television documentary series about the history of waste management in Britain. You may have seen the BBC4 series 'The Secret Life of the National Grid', and before that, 'The Secret Life of the Motorway'. Now, 'The Secret Life of Rubbish' (w/t) will be somewhat in the same vein. A look at the history of an important, but often over-looked, part of Britain's infrastructure - the waste management system. Our historical series begins at the end of the Second World War, and ends at the end of the twentieth century. From the days of make-do-and-mend to the throwaway society.
We are seeking the witnesses who might provide vivid testimony in our television documentary. Any initial contact would be an informal chat on the phone and would involve no commitment to appear in the programme. However we are looking for people who are happy to tell their stories in front of the camera. Moreover, I am looking for film archive of significant turning points in new technology and new practice in either collection or disposal. I am also interested in waste composition analysis studies from the 60's onwards which tell us useful information about our changing waste streams to landfill, incineration and recycling.
This television series is commissioned (ie paid for and shown on) BBC4 and is being made through a production company called Lambent Productions ( My contact details at Lambent are below.
Finally, if you know elderly members of the community who remember salvage, make do and mend, and the difference the Clean Air Act made to burning one's own rubbish at home in the 50's please let me know.
I look forward to your response and thank you for your time.
Josh Beattie
Assistant Producer
Secret Life of Rubbish - BBC4
T. 01273 648380