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January 2014 NewsletterA round up of news and views Hard-to-treat homes - Yesterday, we met with representatives of two of the 'big 6' energy companies, Aster, Community First, Marlborough Area Board and our Mayor to discuss ways of accessing the Energy Company Obligation in order to retro-fit more than 1,000 leaky dwellings in the town and surrounding villages. This could save thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions ech year. On 11th February we will have the opportunity to present our report on 8 thermally imaged, case studies of hard-to-treat homes to the Energy Minister, Greg Barker, when he visits Marlborough and to question him on issues that are blocking our access to ECO. If you would like a copy of the report, please contact Sam: sampage_zim@yahoo.co.uk Improving the local cycling network - Marlborough Area Board has just approved £1,000 towards its up-grade, including resurfacing the path through Treacle Bolly and installing signs to point the way along the cycle network. Huge thanks to Andrew Jack the Area Board Manager and to Ann and Peter for their patience and hard work. 6 more miles! - that's all it would take to restore the train line to Marlborough when electrification is extended beyond Newbury. Our Town Councillors recently voted unanimously in favour of this idea and are planning to discuss it with Claire Perry MP very soon. You can read our economic analysis and view the preferred old Great Western route by down-loading both documents from the bottom of the Transport Page (click on the blue 'files attached' button). Learning how to make professional videos - of energy-efficient homes: We would also like to thank Jane Laurie the SEACS Energy Ambassador for sponsoring Ali Cameron, a retired BBC camerman to come to Marlborough to teach us how to do planning, script-writing, filming and editing. If you have watched the first 2 videos on our YouTube Channel you'll know that we have a lot to learn! If you want to get involved, get in touch via: enquiries@transitionmarlborough.org Are you already helping to implement a project? Or do you have an idea for a new one? - at our last hub meeting we decided to focus more on community projects so as to make faster progress in reducing our carbon emissions, read more here... Practical Permaculture for Transition - starts on Saturday 22nd March, so there's still time to book your place by contacting us at permaculture@transitionmarlborough.org. You can check out the whole 10-week programme here... (We are hoping to be able to offer 'skills-sharing' sessions in willow-weaving, bread-making and cheese-making soon...) Don't forget that the Communities' Market returns this Sunday! It's a special 'Love is in the Air' market (in case you're thinking of celebrating Valentine's Day!) and starts at 10am in the High Street, find out more, here... Thanks The Transition Marlborough team News and other information can be found at our Blogs Subscribe to Newsletter |