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January 2017 NewsletterA round up of news and views Have you completed and returned your Housing/Business Survey Questionnaire yet? If not, you have until Friday 17th February to respond. This information is required to ensure that, in future, developers can be held to account and only build what the majority of residents have prioritised. It will also help us to identify housing stock that is in need of improved insulation and energy efficiency. The responses are all anonymised - if you want to enter the £100 prize draw, your name and address will be separated from the rest of the form. If you prefer to complete the questionnaire on-line, go to the Marlborough Housing Area and Business Survey.
#Show the Love! - The Climate Group is planning a flash-mob/photo-shoot near the town hall in Marlborough High Street on at 11.30am, Saturday 11th February in support of the Climate Coalition. Please bring a heart made of paper, fabric or pastry, inscribed with a few words explaining what you will miss most once the climate has warmed and it's too hot for life as we know it. You'll need your mobile phone too! Find out more here... Get in touch with Judy for the latest information: jmhindley@hotmail.com
Benefits of consuming organic milk and meat revealed - Milly, Jane and Sam recently attended the Oxford Real Farming Conference, where they heard about the latest research which shows that both organic milk and meat contain around 50% more beneficial omega-3 fatty acids than conventionally produced products. “Omega-3s are linked to reductions in cardiovascular disease, improved neurological development and function, and better immune function. Western European diets are recognised as being too low in these fatty acids and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommends we should double our intake. But getting enough in our diet is difficult. This study suggests that switching to organic would go some way towards improving intakes of these important nutrients.” Find out more here...
2017 Permaculture course - This year's 10 session, introduction to permaculture course will start on Saturday 18th March. Please write to permaculture@transitionmarlborough.org to book your place.
Environmental consequences of leaving the EU - Are you concerned that we may lose important environmental safe-guards once we leave the EU? This could include changes to laws that protect us from air pollution, habitat loss and toxic waste, in addition to the possibility that targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions may be relaxed. Find out more here... Unite for Europe is organising a National March to Parliament on Saturday 25th March, calling for peace, friendships, relationships, rights, business & academic collaborations, environmental protection, economic prosperity and outward-looking attitude that European Union membership delivers. Find out more here... Thanks The Transition Marlborough team News and other information can be found at our Blogs Subscribe to Newsletter |