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March 2016 NewsletterA round up of news and views Air Quality - Since unsafe levels of nitrogen dioxide and ultra-fine particulates continue to be emitted from the heavy traffic on the A346, we have been researching the reasons why it is not possible to restrict the numbers of HGVs that use this route. It seems that Wiltshire Council's Sustainable Transport Officers have blocked all attempts by local councillors to 'de-prime' the A346, on the grounds that it would be 'too expensive' and increase the amount of traffic on other roads (such as the purpose-built A34?). You can read the summary or download our report here... This report has the support of Marlborough Town Council and was presented at the recent Area Board meeting, click here... to read about their deliberations. We have also written to Claire Perry M.P. asking for advice from DEFRA Minister, Liz Truss on how we can resolve this impasse, so that Marlborough does not remain in breach of the Supreme Court's ruling on air quality.
Environmental Film Night - 'Vanishing of the Bees', Wednesday 27th April, starting at 7.30pm in the Function Room of the Bear Hotel. Read the synopsis, here... Entrance is FREE but please bring some snacks to share and if you can, stay for the discussion afterwards, on how we can protect our bees. (Please note that this is a change to the film and date advertised in last month's newsletter.)
Permaculture Course - The first session of this year's course started on 19th March. We discussed the Ethics and Principles of permaculture and watched an inspiring video of a Californian community who had used permaculture principles to design an estate of energy-efficient homes, within an orchard laden with almonds, peaches and grapes. The next session will cover 'Design for self-sufficency'. Find out more, here...
Grow Your Own Drugs, 14th May - We have invited herbal expert Helen Ellis to share some of her skills with us. Helen practices European herbal medicine, her knowledge is grounded in the scientific understanding of plant properties. She is a member of the National Institute for Medical Herbalists and can prescribe herbal remedies to support your health. The cost will be £15 for this 1 day course, the price includes the jars, labels, infused oils and ointments that are needed to store the herbal remedies. Contact us via secretary@transitionmarlborough.org for more information.
#BREXIT: Would our environment suffer if we left the EU? - The Institute for European Environmental Policy, in collaboration with the Wildlife Trusts, RSPB and the World Wildlife Fund have considered the potential consequences for the environment and for environmental policy of the UK choosing to withdraw from the EU, based on different scenarios for the UK’s future relationship with its neighbours. Read more here...
Next Meeting Date - Transition is all about People - We would love to hear your ideas about what you would like to do? Can you help with what is already going on? Come along on Thursday 14th April at 8pm in the Green Dragon. We meet down stairs in the room behind the bar.
Thanks The Transition Marlborough team News and other information can be found at our Blogs Subscribe to Newsletter |