
Transition Marlborough -Recycle meeting 22nd Feb 2012

  1. Anything arising from last Hub meeting

    Name change to Transition Marlborough – omitting Town to be more inclusive for villages. Permaculture course: 1 to attend . Some of our group interested.

    All group now registered for TM website. Geoff Brickell will organise training.

    Central Google Calendar would be useful- Rich

  2. Making changes to Recycling web page - what do we want to include?

    a. Change main page to include a statement about our aims, list the people in our group and inform people how to contact us. Keep meeting date and time.

    b. Meetings. Notes/minutes to be available after meeting, then archive when next one available Shirley happy to type up after each meeting (esp as Rich started it off!)

    c. Events, ideally as part of TM calendar. Include all TM meetings, TM events, other events such as St John's bike sale, NCT nearly new sale in April, Farmers' Markets etc. Then somewhere for the write-up of events to be stored so we have record of our achievements.

    d. Useful contacts: web addresses/links, local and national; e.g. Recycling, Nappies, Love Food Hate Waste, ARK

    e. News: local or national

    f. Useful tips e.g. reducing waste, reducing water

    How/when are we going to do it?

    This Saturday after visioning. All of us; Focus on a, b, c, to start with and add others as able

    “Did you forget to take your bike to the bike sale” - David's idea to follow up; promote taking bikes to HRC who send to Africa

  3. Care for the Kennet initiative - progress, plan what we need to do

    Book space at Waitrose. Rich Email Andy at Waitrose for the 24th of March; ?times

    We'll have freebies and leaflets to hand out Rich contact Heather Aitken at Thames Water; also Charlotte at ARK. Hope ARK will take part too

    People then contact Thames Water for other free water saving devices

    Would be good to have water butts Michelle see if TH White do them and would be involved on day; maybe do discount

    Who to look after stall on the day?

    ? have a board with ideas for saving water. Also, items on website. David to photo water butt and do blog

    We have water booklets to look at and comment on. Proposal for Thames water to publish them under Care for the Kennet banner, and “supported by ARK and TM”All read

  4. Progress on Community Garage sale for September

    Michelle and Shirley reported back on meeting with Gina. We agreed 22nd September.

    Rich check dates of car boot held on Common for Carnival Fun Day

    Shirley check lead dates and costs for publication/websites.

    Lorna find out about advertising on Radio Wiltshire

    Carnival on the Sunday??? Tie in?

  5. Compost ambassador

    This is Maggie Worthington, Shirley found through Wilts Wildlife Trust. Would be useful for Allotment Assoc. Is prepared to give presentations. Michelle mentioned she’d made a compost bin from old pallets: another one for the web page?

  6. Recycling issues taken to Area Board meeting  / other follow-ups to Hills visit 

    Waiting to hear back. David suggested article reporting this on web page. David to do

    As many of us as possible to attend next Area Board. Shirley find dates.

    David asked about follow up to Compton Bassett meeting. Rich suggested we ask Henry Newbery and John Chapman (and Julie James who arranged visit) to join a future meeting.

  7. Training for Website users - what do we need to know and what would we like to have on there (e.g. calendar)?

  8. Confirm who's going to Visioning Workshop

    all of us

  9. AOB

    Rich told us about proposed Farmers' Markets in Marlborough. Plan to have them on a Sunday (1st or last of month), in High Street. Will be promoted at the last Market in Town Hall 17th March. TM to have presence there.

    Plans for Community Orchard on Common. Being discussed at Open Spaces Council meeting Mon 27 February; then at Common User Group 6 March

    Other Transition Towns – David asked could we liaise with them about recycling. Shirley circulate list of those she found who have waste/recycling groups

  10. Date of the next meeting

    21st March 2012

Contributors to this page: RichPitts .
Page last modified on Saturday 25 February, 2012 16:57:11 GMT by RichPitts.