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October 2011 NewsletterA round up of news and views Our first Newsletter: this is the first of what we intend to be a regular Newsletter that will be sent out to anyone that wants to subscribe. Please do forward it on, when you receive it as an email, to anyone else that you think may be interested, and they can then also subscribe by using this link or see the link at the bottom of the page. However if you receive this unexpectedly as a direct email from us and do not wish to continue to receive future editions then the Unsubscribe link is also at the bottom of the page. Following our 'launch' at the Town Hall on September 12th, the first four activity groups have been formed: Food, Energy, Transport and Recycling. Each of these groups have already met to discuss projects that will help strengthen Marlborough's resilience to high oil costs and climate change impacts. Group leaders are also meeting once a fortnight in the Wellington pub on the High Street to discuss issues such as whether Transition Marlborough should register as a 'community interest company' and how to raise much needed funds to take our projects forward. The dates of these open meetings are on our website: www.transitionmarlborough.org. You are most welcome to join in any of these activities - we definitely need your help! Apple Day 2011: this annual event will take place on Saturday, 29 October (10am - 1pm) in St. Mary's Church Hall on Silverless Street. Read more ..... Community Energy Company set up: Adam Walton from Transition Community Corsham will be giving a talk on setting up a Community Energy Company, at the Wesley Hall, Oxford St., Marlborough at 8pm on Thursday 24th November. Read more ... and if you would like to be involved in a possible Marlborough Community Energy Company there is more information here. Broadband services in our area: tele-working or home working is now a common occurrence for many people and this can have a significant impact on minimising transport costs. To understand how the broadband services are actually performing in our area, Marlborough Area Development Trust (MADT) is undertaking work to provide some real performance data but they need everyone's help to do this - its free and its easy - so read more about their programme here and then contact them so that you can join the programme and help. Dedicated carbon neutral minibus for Marlborough's commuters: Members of the Transport Group are linking with the Bedwyn Trains Passenger Group to campaign for improved bus links with Bedwyn station. Find out more here. Shumacher Centenary Conference: Sam Page attended this conference in Bristol on 8th October. Read her blog about some of the innovative ways in which other transition towns are aiming to become self-sufficient in food. Unanimous vote to make Marlborough self-reliant: Marlborough's Town councillors, led by Rich Pitts and Edwina Fogg have voted unanimously to work with partner organisations to lessen the impact of rising costs of food, energy and transport. Read more... Finally if you have any feedback on the content or style of this Newsletter or have some news or a relevant event we could publicise then do let us know. Thanks The Transition Marlborough team
News and other information can be found at our Blogs |