

Asbestos waste is given special attention because of the health risks associated with it.

Non-bonded and loosely-bonded asbestos should only be removed by licensed contractors. The HSE Asbestos Licensing Unit provides a list of contractors, with details of the different types of licence held.

Bonded asbestos includes the asbestos cement sheets that are often used for garage and shed roofing.  As a householder, you should telephone in advance before taking waste bonded asbestos to Purton (01793 778205), Salisbury (01722 415040) or Warminster (01985 211531) Household Recycling Centres, for safe disposal.   These three HRC sites have appropriate facilities and are licensed to receive asbestos waste.  For more information, with full details of what to do, visit Wiltshire Council  (01380 734849)  


Contributors to this page: Shirley Pryor , System Administrator and system .
Page last modified on Saturday 01 August, 2015 16:32:52 BST by Shirley Pryor.