


Buy from or sell at Community sales, car boot sales or on ebay or give away on Freecycle.

If donating to charity, items must be in good condition. Prospect Hospice, Helen and Douglas House, RSPCA and Blue Cross charity shops accept bric a brac; all in Marlborough High Street.

Cossors Shop, High St, Pewsey (07982 045980) welcomes bric-a-brac. Items must be in saleable state. Phone in advance to check opening - please do not leave items on doorstep. (contrib: Jo Payne)


If you have anything that cannot be reused, take it apart and recycle what you can in the various containers at Marlborough Household Recycling Centre.


Contributors to this page: Shirley Pryor , System Administrator and system .
Page last modified on Saturday 01 August, 2015 16:59:53 BST by Shirley Pryor.