Give and Take Swap Stall
Do you have things you no longer want or value?
The Recycling group have started a Give & Take Swop Stall at the Marlborough Communities Market where you can swap unwanted items for something you may always have wanted or would at least use more.
Here's how it works. Bring along small items such as unwanted books, CDs/DVDs, toys and games, bric a brac/small household items to the Transition Marlborough Stand between 10am and 2pm. If you see something you like you can take it home, for FREE. Got nothing to swop just now? You can still visit the stall, choose something and bring something to swap next time. The idea is to keep it flowing so that at the end of the morning all items have found new homes. It's all based on community spirit and trust, with the aim of saving reusable resources from ending up in landfill.
Ground Rules:
1. Bringing something to add to the Swap Table? You can bring any items you are able to carry, preferably up to five items at any one time. This keeps things simple and helps to ensure a steady flow of items.
2. Don't see anything on the day you wish to take away? That's fine, just come along next time or to another swap day and see if there's anything you fancy.
3. See something you like, but don't have anything to swop? That's also fine, you can still take something and bring something to swap next time.
4. Small electrical items are taken on trust. We ask swappers to only bring goods that are in working order, or if not, clearly mark what needs repairing.
5. Got large items at home you would like to offer? You can enter your name and contact details on our large items registration sheet. If you would like to swap for something specific or you are looking for a particular item (eg. a table, chairs etc.) you may also enter this.
6. Feel uncomfortable just taking something for free? Do not have anything to swap? You can make a small donation to Transition Marlborough in the box provided.
7. Got something specialised you wish to part company with but not sure if someone else will want it? You can either advertise it on the Large Items Registration sheet or leave it on the swap table for the morning and pop back at the end of the morning to collect if it has not been taken away (you can call us or leave a contact number to check first).
8. Happy Swapping!
The Marlborough Communities Market takes place on the First Sunday and Third Sunday of every month
Look out for themed days:
Plant and vegetable swops
Activity days such as textile workshops, crafts from trash
Let us have your ideas, or volunteer to run a themed day