
Contact Information


Blue Cross charity shop, 120 High St, Marlborough. Tel: 016720516358

Car Boot Sales These are held monthly on the Common in the summer months, in aid of Wiltshire Air Ambulance and are always well publicised by posters around the town. Marlborough and District Rotary Club also hold car boot sales on Bank Holiday Mondays on College Fields.

Great Green Systems sell the Green Johanna compost bin and Green Cone food waste digester. Residents of Wiltshire can buy these at a discount: put in your postcode on the website (max of 2 per household). Tel: 0800 731 2572; website: www.greatgreensystems.com

Helen and Douglas House charity shop, 1-2 Kingsbury St, Marlborough. Tel: 01672 516029

KFR is the merger of Kennet Furniture Project and Refurbiz in 2013. They are based on Hopton Industrial Estate in Devizes, SN10 2EU. They will collect items of furniture, washing machines, fridges, freezers and other white goods, for refurbishment and sale to disadvantaged and low income households.  Large electrical goods need to be under 2 years old and soft furnishings must comply with fire regulations and be in good condition. Items can be collected free of charge.  To discuss items and to arrange collection, phone 01380 720722/ 720200; www.kfr.org.uk

Oxfam Books and Music, 29b High St, Marlborough. Tel: 01672 515932 

Prospect Hospice charity shop, 110a High St, Marlborough. Tel: 01672 516157

Recycle for Wiltshire website: recycleforwiltshire.com Wiltshire Council's recycling info website. Includes A-Z of what can be taken to Household Recycling Centres

RSPCA charity shop, 41a High St, Marlborough. Tel: 01672 514789

Tools for Self Reliance is a UK charity, based near Southampton, that refurbishes good quality hand tools (not gardening tools) and Singer sewing machines.  More info at www.tfsr.org. These are refurbished and used to assist some of Africa’s poorest communities.  Click here for a list of what they will and will not accept. Contact Tel: 023 8086 9697 or email: info@tfsr.org for details of your nearest collection point.

Wheels for the World part of Christian charity Through the Roof . They refurbish manual wheelchairs, crutches, folding walkers and walking sticks. Website: www.throughtheroof.org Contact them on 01372 749955 or via email info@throughtheroof.org Items will need to be taken to a collection point - this used to be Salisbury, now in process of changing.

Wiltshire Council (Rubbish and Recycling) Tel: 0300 456 0102 Email: customerserviceseast@wiltshire www.wiltshire.gov.uk for direct link with information about waste and recycling collections, Household Recycling Centres, garden waste, recycling bins. Provide black boxes, blue-lidded bins and garden waste bins, for kerbside collection.

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, Elm Tree Court, Long Street, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1NJ.  Tel: 01380 725670; email:     info at wiltshirewildlife.org . Emma Croft is their waste minimisation officer and runs initiatives, such as Slim Your Bin in early 2013. See Green Living ideas at www.wiltshirewildlife.org/greenliving

WORKAID accepts knitting & sewing machines, typewriters and tools, for vocational training in UK and overseas. They are refurbished, then used to help vulnerable and disadvantaged people to learn trade skills.  Tel: 01494 775220 or email: admin at workaid.org for details and to arrange to deliver to nearest collection point, currently Faringdon, Abingdon, Tollard Royal (nr Salisbury), Wesbury on Trym (nr Bristol) and Tilehurst (nr Reading) .  More information about Workaid at www.workaid.org and details of collection locations here.

Contributors to this page: Shirley Pryor and system .
Page last modified on Tuesday 20 August, 2013 21:07:06 BST by Shirley Pryor.