Recycling News and Events
Next Recycling Group Meeting: tbc
For everything you wanted to know about Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle, but were afraid to ask: see the new LOCAL RECYCLING DIRECTORY, full of practical tips and info.
UK's recycling rates rise fastest - but we still recycle 23% less than Austria or Germany, read more...
Plastic debris on the increase in North Pacific...
Some recent Blog posts
The Recycling Directory is now on-line. Read more
One in five French bottled waters 'contain drugs or pesticides' - read more...
Want to borrow or lend some equipment? Check out Ecomodo.
Computer amnesty in Marlborough to find out more click here
Why Compost? Find out here
Bottled water industry fights back...
Click here to find out what is happening in the USA.
UK beaches blighted by balloons and bags of dog poo. Read more...
MP wants to force supermarkets to donate surplus food - read more...
BBC4 seeks info on waste: can you help?
US kids share recycling resource.
Cut your carbon emissions by rejecting bottled water.
Have your say on recycling
Get Composting
Keep Reading the Packaging
Did you know? Battery recycling
Your dog can also go green!
Claim your cut-price waste food digester now!
A visit to Hills Recycling Centre at Compton Bassett Read more ...
Kerb-side re-cycling -
Recycling Group homepage
At Last! The Marlborough Recycling Directory is here to view. It still needs some refinement and we welcome your comments and suggestions.
When the Recycling Group met for the first time on 6 October 2011, we talked about updating Wiltshire Wildlife Trust's recycling directory, published in 2005, as so much had changed in the last six years, in the town, the county and the country. Little did we realise what a major undertaking this would be! We hope you find it useful.
Rethinking our rubbish is an important part of creating a sustainable future. There are ideas and tips for using less in the first place (minimising the use of diminishing resources) and ways to reuse items ourselves or pass them on for other people to use. Finally, if they cannot be repaired, there is information about recycling facilities, to avoid sending them to landfill.
Our other recent venture has been the Give and Take Swap Stall at Marlborough Communities Market. (more details here)
The world is running out of natural resources, so we have to reduce our consumption. This includes fossil fuels, products made from them such as plastics and all manufactured and transported goods. The Recycling Group is working to find ways to do this, both for fossil fuels and for water, another precious resource.
Our aims are:
- To increase/raise awareness of the need to reduce waste further and increase recycling, in order to preserve resources.
- To work with local authorities, businesses, schools and local people to reduce waste to a minimum and increase re-use and recycling to a maximum.
- To promote community based re-use and recycling schemes.
Other notes... from the past
A Reuse Project - Reuse of Community Land
Discussed on the 6th October Growing Project to recycle hanging basket This might Gainfully employ Adults with Learning difficulties could use part of Stonebridge Meadow as a market Garden, Michelle Luck is going to contact the Area Board Community manager to understand how the potential workers of this project might be funded. This is a complex ambitions long term project
Other things we are thinking about here....
Food production and how might this fit in with Allotments
Growing projects for schools?
A Recycle Project – Revitalize the Recycle Directory
Shirley Pryor & Kay Bradford are working on this and will Start a discussion with Town and Country to get this going...
Quick Win project under this heading "How to recycle your Christmas in the December 2011 Edition of the Town and Country Magazine
Great support possible from Wiltshire Wildlife trust - Watch this space....
A Reduce Project - Bulk Purchase and/OR refill Scheme
- The original idea was The Refilling of bottles at a community Shop OR maybe this could be from one of the market traders...
Rich Pitts is working on a detailed costing of this to find the break even points etc to put to a positive Market trader about this scheme
At Salisbury Road recycling depot Understanding their working model
Why do plastic bags go into landfill from their bins at the end of bigger recycling when at Waitrose they are recycled? What is the Waitrose Trick? David Pocock is investigating this ... We are looking to boost recycling by a further 10% from the average 85% to at least 90%!!! This is ambitious but hey!!!
Possible Hills Buy back scheme. The team has noticed many very good things going in to recycle when they would better serve the community by being “Recycled” as is...
Do we need a refurbishment station at Salisbury Road, for wood and other brown materials others could make good use of?
Nursery/Baby Equipment – Perhaps NCT might input...
Summary Status at end of 6th October 2011
First meeting was very positive, ideas with clear action plans this will be filled out over the next few days