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September 2013 NewsletterA round up of news and views 'HUMAN INFLUENCE ON CLIMATE CLEAR', IPCC REPORT SAYS - Down-load their Press Release here... Our AGM went with a swing - Our 2nd AGM, on Thursday 12th September, was followed by a lesson in modern jive, with a chance to practise afterwards. However reluctant some of us had been before the start, we all lined up in pairs, followed instructions from the Jive Temptation leaders, and had a whirl of a time! Click here for the evidence (in Transition Network newsletter; you'll need to scroll down to find us). Nibbles and drinks, frock swap and raffle all made the time pass quickly. Stalls and a video showcased what we've been doing in the past year and it was good to welcome newcomers. At the AGM, Sam reported on the year and Andy on the finances. Sam stepped down after two years as chair and Shirley Pryor was elected in her place. Andy and Alexandra continue as Treasurer and Secretary respectively. All thanks go to Sam for her leadership and vision and I (Shirley) am glad she'll still be on hand for the next year. Nurturing our Nature - Half-day Workshop based on The Work That Reconnects by Joanna Macy. For anyone who wants to bring forth their best response to the challenges of our times and wishes to explore inner transition as a way to support outward change. Saturday, 19th October, 10am-1pm at the Quaker Meeting House - £20. Full details here Swop Stall 'Frocks' - If you missed our Frock Swop at the Transition Marlborough AGM earlier this month, there are still a few items left which you can find on our next Swop Stall at the Marlborough Communities Market on Sunday 6th, October, from 10-3pm. So come on down and see if there's anything you fancy and swop for something you no longer have any use for. We would also like to launch an appeal for any embroidery or sewing cottons, ribbons or other things you could weave or sew with as well as any pieces of dress fabric, lining material, or pretty bits of lace, silk etc for St. John's School Textile Students. You can drop them off at the stall on Sunday, or at the next market on 3rd November. All donations greatly appreciated. Wiltshire Community Environment Conference - Saturday 30 November, Devizes. Meet the Wiltshire environmental pioneers in a day of inspiration, information and action! You can choose from 18 different workshops showcasing some of the amazing environmental projects in the county, including renewable energy, local food, community woodlands, repair cafes, and low carbon travel. If you’re looking for ideas on what to do in your area or would like to swap your experiences with others, this is the place to come. There will be display stands and advice, plenty of time for networking, and a local food lunch. The conference is free and organised by Wiltshire Council, working closely with community groups. The programme will be finalised by early October, but you can see more details, including the draft list of workshops, here. Save the date and book your place now! For more information please contact Jane Laurie. A Celebration of Volunteering - St Mary's Church will be celebrating Harvest Festival with a Harvest of Volunteering, on the weekend of 5th and 6th October. Over the weekend, there will be displays in the church of the various voluntary groups in the town, including Transition Marlborough, and the church service on Sunday 6th will celebrate them too. Don't miss 'Atlantic Odssey' - this follows, through music and song, the remarkable annual journey of the Arctic Tern, which migrates from polar north to polar south and back, flying 40,000 miles each year, further than any other bird, and experiencing more light in its two polar summers than any other creature: St Peter’s Church, Carronbridge Road, West Swindon SN5 7ES, on Sunday 20th October at 7.30pm. Find out more here... Green Drinks - October Green Drinks will feature information on SAVING THE HARVEST. Something to aspire to? - Click here for news article about a new straw bale housing scheme in Ongar, Essex: sustainable, local, high energy efficiency and low carbon footprint. Thanks
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