
Food Blog

Anni's blog on perennial vegetables

Published by Alexandra Wax on 09 September 2012

A while back, we received an email from Anni Kelsey, who lives in Shropshire.  She contacted us to let TM initiatives "know about my ongoing project with perennial vegetables."  She states that she is "passionate about making my little corner of the earth as productive as possible - for as little input of time and effort as possible; and I have found that using perennial vegetables and polycultures / forest gardening techniques is working very well to achieve this."

She invites us:"If you would like to do any or all of the following then please get in touch:

  • make the most of shady parts of the garden to grow veggies that can tolerate shade
  • garden using less physical effort and time than needed for conventional vegetables and flowers (annuals)
  • create a healthy, fertile environment, rich in biodiversity
  • put all these together and create a small scale forest garden using fruiting trees and/or bushes "

She says she "may be able to help with planning, sharing seeds/plants, where to find suppliers, etc"

Her blog is at:  http://annisveggies.wordpress.com

and her email is annisveggies at hotmail.co.uk

She wishes us "all the best with your own transition related endeavours!"