
Energy blog

Feed In Tariffs are changing in April 2012

Published by geoffbrickell on 20 September 2011

If you are not already aware the Feed In Tariffs for the scheme introduced by the Government in April 2010 are being reviewed and are almost certain to be reduced in April 2012 - and there is a small risk that an emergency reduction could be implemented sooner since the take-up rate has been high.

The reason for the likely change is that the costs of installing these systems has steadily come down, so it is only fair for the subsidy to also be reduced in line.

So if, for example, you have been thinking about installing a Solar PV system on your roof, you need to act swiftly since it must be installed before April 2012 to qualify for the existing rates - and these are then guaranteed on a tax-free, inflation adjusted basis for 25 years.

The DECC web page on FiTs is here, and the video below provides a usage example if you are not familiar with how this subsidy scheme works.