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August 2014 NewsletterA round up of news and views ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY, 18TH SEPTEMBER AT 7.30 PM, UPSTAIRS IN THE BEAR HOTEL - This year we have invited a really knowledgeable, guest speaker from an off-shoot of the Transition movement called REconomy. The REconomy Project runs brilliant, inspiring local projects and enterprises that create new livelihoods and show new ways of providing essential goods and services. The UK’s top twenty ‘Transition oriented’ enterprises have a combined turnover of £3.5 million and provide paid employment for more than 100 people. They include community energy, bike repair, transport services, health and caring, housing retrofit, farmshare and banking and are brilliant examples of people just doing stuff. Each enterprise demonstrates a different way of working from business as usual – they are sustainable, offer some social benefits and have shared ownership, while providing essential goods and services for the community in which they make their home. They provide jobs for local people, as well as volunteering opportunities, and they buy from other local independent businesses. Most have emerged from a local Transition group or have links to Transition in some way. Our guest speaker, Shane Hughes will explain how we can re-balance our economy here in Marlborough, away from one that is becoming increasingly distant and globalised, towards one that depends on the development of local, community-based enterprises. Bring-and-share food will be available, (including Rich's famous cheese straws!) Please come along and support us.
The TM Website - we are giving it a 'make-over' to make it more project focussed. Please check it out: www.transitionmarlborough.org and tell us what you think.
Thanks The Transition Marlborough team News and other information can be found at our Blogs Subscribe to Newsletter |