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August 2015 NewsletterA round up of news and views How to Save the World! Live Premiere of Greenpeace's award winning Film with Q & A via Satellite
Wednesday 9th September, starting at 8pm in the Town Hall. Organized by KVAT in association with Transition Marlborough. Certificate 15 Please come along to this special film evening. You can join in the Q & A session, take part in the #QUIZCOP21 and hear about our exciting plans for an environmental film club. Annual General Meeting - 7-7.45 pm on Wednesday 9th September, in Marlborough Town Hall (just before the film). This will be our 4th AGM - all TM members and supporters are invited to hear what we have been doing for the past 12 months and what plans we have for the future. Those of us who are standing for office need your votes too! If you would like to become a member, please click here... to read the Constitution and register your name. All members who turn up on the 9th will have the chance of winning of bottle of biodynamic wine!
Shumei Natural Farm, Yatesbury - A couple of weeks ago, some of the Permaculture Course participants and their friends spent a lovely, sunny day touring this farm. It was interesting to discover so many healthy veggies, including tomato, pumpkin, kale and sweetcorn, being continuously cropped in the same land without any inputs whatsoever! The secret seems to be in the selected and saved seed, as well some kindly words and a bit of meditation... We all had a delicious Japanese lunch, followed by a traditional Japanese tea ceremony and then listened to some fantastic, but extremely loud Taiko drumming.
Is our government still the greenest ever? - Some people are saying that the latest cuts to green policies represent the worst period for UK environmental policy for 30 years. You can find out what has been cut here...
The Transition Network International Conference 2015 - September 18th-20th 2015 @ Seale-Hayne, Devon, UK. Transition Network is proud to be hosting the first international conference of the Transition movement. From it’s inception in 2007, the Transition movement has grown and spread to all corners of the globe and this gathering will showcase some of the best and most innovative ideas, organisations, and projects that have come out of the worldwide experiment in creating resilient communities. There will be workshops, trainings, talks, tours and much more. Book your tickets here... The Transition Marlborough team News and other information can be found at our Blogs Subscribe to Newsletter |