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September 2015 NewsletterA round up of news and views
87% cut proposed to the Feed-In Tariff - This sudden and very steep cut in the tariff will not only cause significant disruption in the supply side of the industry but may mean that our very own Kennet Community Energy (KCEL) will not be able to economically deploy any new solar PV projects. This will be a massive blow for this not-for-profit company. Please sign the petition and take part in the simplified consultation, here...
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - or SDGs will replace the Millennium Development Goals at the end of 2015. There are 17 SDGs that will apply to all countries of the world, including the UK. Goal number 13 states Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. The British Government signed up to all 17 Goals in New York last week, read more here...
Climate Change in the Gambia - The Marlborough Brandt Group have recently commissioned a report on the impacts of climate change in the Gambia. These impacts include drought and flash flooding and associated losses in rice, the main food staple, increases in temperature and sea-level rises, which are expected to reduce tourism. The Gambian people are not blaming the industrialised north for these changes, but are saying that is it is the 'will of God'.... You can read the full summary or download the whole report here...
COP 21 in Paris - from November 30th to December 11th 2015. This will be a crucial conference, as it needs to achieve a new international agreement on the climate, applicable to all countries, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2°C. Do you know how many people will be attending this Conference or whether methane or nitrous oxide is doing most damage to our atmosphere? Check out our Climate Q & A here...
#PeoplesMarch for Climate Justice - This will take place in London on Sunday 29th November and will be our chance to send a powerful message to the British Government. To change everything, it takes everyone. Join citizens from around the world, including Paris and all the major cities, who will take to the streets, united in many voices for action on climate change. Find out more here... A coach is being organised from Marlborough - to book your place, contact Jo Ripley: joripley@phonecoop.coop or tel: 01782 513950 Thanks The Transition Marlborough team News and other information can be found at our Blogs Subscribe to Newsletter |