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May 2015 NewsletterA round up of news and views Help drive the growing transition to a low-carbon world - Come along and listen to Julia Spragg from Fossil Free Oxfordshire – who’ve campaigned successfully for Oxford City Council to pledge to make no direct investments in fossil fuel companies and Fionn Travers-Smith of ‘Move Your Money’, on Thursday 11th June at 8pm in the Bear Hotel. Move Your Money can help people who want to take control of their investments and choose how to shape our world. You can pledge to move your money out of the big five High Street banks if they don’t clean up.
Climate Lobby Day - at the recent Marlborough Communities Market, we collected 150 flags signed by people wanting to express their concern and demand government action on climate change. This activity was accompanied by vibrant, live music from local musicians. More flags are available at the Oxfam Shop for people who still want to sign up. On Wednesday, 17th June, this personalised bunting will be taken to London by Devizes constituents, where we will join thousands of other concerned people from across the UK as they descend on Westminster, between 1pm and 5pm, for a day of action on climate change. This will be an opportunity to speak to Claire Perry MP, celebrate all the things you love that could be adversely affected by climate change and hear from some fantastic speakers. There will be people travelling by train from Bedwyn station - contact Jo: joripley@phonecoop.coop There is also a coach from Swindon, organised by Swindon Climate Action Network, for more information contact: contact@swindonclimate.org.uk.
Carbon Tax and Dividend - a straightforward, equitable and efficient way rapidly to achieve a large reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The Climate Group have been writing to organisations and individuals seeking their support for a Carbon Tax and Dividend, which we believe, could be popular with the public to aid the transition away from a fossil fuel economy. It could also help politicians to ‘sell’ a carbon tax to their electorate. Jonathon Porrit said: "I've been an active supporter of the "Tax and Dividend" approach for a long time...you can definitely count on my personal support." We believe that politicians are not being honest with us about the damaging and widespread impacts of failing to put this centre stage of Government policy and are frightened to impose further taxation, knowing that many people would oppose a carbon tax. For this reason, the US-based Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) proposes a Carbon Fee (Tax) and Dividend – a revenue neutral tax whereby the revenue from the fee is returned to all households on an equitable basis to shield families from rising energy costs. Read more, here... Plant Swap - Thanks to everyone who dropped off their carefully nurtured seedlings. They all went to good homes and we raised £25 in donations.
The Next Hub Meeting - is on Thursday 11th June, at 8pm in the Green Dragon pub in the High Street. All are welcome to attend.
Thanks The Transition Marlborough team News and other information can be found at our Blogs Subscribe to Newsletter |