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April 2015 NewsletterA round up of news and views
Please consider the future of the planet when casting your vote.
Plant swap - the Permaculture Group are organising a plant swap at the next Communities Market, which will be on Sunday 24th May. Please get in touch with us at permaculture@transitionmarlborough.org if you have any spare plants or seedlings that you would like to swap or donate.
Marlborough Rail Link - Despite our hard work trying to make progress with the Marlborough Rail Link project over the past few months, we have had little or no luck in convincing Wiltshire councillors to take this important project seriously.... Read more, here...
Cycle Racks - Our Town Councillors have once again voted against the installation of cycle racks near the centre of Marlborough High Street. Apparently they are concerned about losing a free parking space - they prefer to make cyclists, rather than car drivers, walk! This is despite a recommendation and funding for the new racks, coming from Wiltshire Cllr Philip Whitehead, Portfolio holder for Highways and local support from Cllr Nick Fogg.
EU vision for new agreement at Paris Climate Change Talks, December 2015 - The European Commission has set out the EU's vision for a new agreement that will, through collective commitments based on scientific evidence, put the world on track to reduce global emissions by at least 60% below 2010 levels by 2050. The EU wants Paris to deliver a robust international agreement that fulfils the following key criteria. It must:
The EU's contribution to the new agreement will be a binding, economy-wide, domestic greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least 40% by 2030. Find out more here...
A 48.9kWp solar PV array is being installed on the south east facing sloping roof area as illustrated in the visualisation image shown on the left. The installation is expected to generate 43,100 kWh of energy and save about 22 metric tons of carbon dioxide on an annual basis. For more details go to the KCEL web site by clicking here.
In a unanimous ruling, a panel of five judges, headed by the court's president Lord Neuberger, ordered "that the Government must prepare and consult on new air quality plans for submission to the European Commission... no later than December 31 2015". This represents a considerable challenge - since poor air quality in Wiltshire is linked with congested roads and lack of public transport. Nitrogen dioxide levels along Herd Street, Barn Street and Salisbury Road in Marlborough, regularly exceed EU safe limits. You can view the live air quality monitors in Calne, Devizes and Salisbury here... Wiltshire Council is planning to install a 'real time' air quality monitor outside St Peter's School within the next few months. NO2 emissions particularly affect children and older people and those with existing health conditions, such as asthma and heart and lung conditions.
It is providing free electricity at the moment - but how does an electric car get to it when the two parking bays in front of it can be used by any vehicle and are usually always occupied by a non-electric vehicle?
Next Hub Meeting - will be in the Green Dragon on Thursday 14th May, starting at 8pm. Please come along and share your ideas.
Thanks The Transition Marlborough team
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