
Transition Marlborough general blog

Social Value Act

Published by NickSted on 19 March 2013

The new Social Value Act came into force a few weeks ago.  It applies to all publicly accountable bodies such as Town and Parish Councils, County Councils, Housing Associations etc.

It's stated aim is "to support community groups, voluntary organisations and social enterprises to win more public sector contracts and to change commissioning structures so that a wider definition of value rather than just financial cost is considered"

Very few publicly accountable bodies have yet heard of this Act but any financial decisions that are now made have to weigh up social value over financial cost and publicly demonstrate why any particular decision was made.  If not, then such decisions can be challenged by community groups.  How this will all work in practice remains to be seen but the legislation is in place.  Find out more about it here.

The Act may benefit Kennet Community Energy but it may also have an impact on other groups in Transition Marlborough.


NicK Stedman