WORKSHOP based on 'The Work that Reconnects'
Saturday 18th May, 10am - 1pm
Venue: 1st floor, 3 - 4 New Road, Chippenham, SN15 1EJ (the offices of 'Develop')
Suggested donation of £10 to help cover the costs of venue hire and refreshments
Booking: email rosie_info at or call 07811 445 242 (by Wed 15th May please)
This half-day workshop is for anyone who is questioning what it's all about and who wants to explore the possibiility that there might be more to life...
Surely there's more to life than this....?
What do we mean by 'this'?
....a life that is based on having to work work work just to keep afloat, and where your value is based on how big your house is, how new your car is and how much 'stuff' you have...
...a world in which we have lost touch with where our food comes from and have forgotten the simple pleasures of climbing a tree or listening to the sound of the waves...
....a society that doesn't seem to be taking car of its children's and grandchildren's futures...
This workshop will:
- help you connect with other people who are thinking and feeling the same way
- allow you to voice the uncomfortable thoughts and feelings you may have about the way things are going
- offer new perspectives on the problems that we are facing
- reconnect you with your inner strength and a sense of what's possible
By the end of the workshop we hope that you will:
- feel energised and uplifted
- feel a connection to others who share your perspective and concerns
- have a sense of what you can do to start to create a more fulfilling way of living
If you would like to talk to one of us to find out if the workshop is for you, please call Rosie on 07811 445 242 or Karen on 07885 239 752.
To find out more about The Work that Reconnects please visit:
Find on Facebook at JoannaMacyWorkshopChippenham