Marlborough Town Council agreed to become a Transition Council
I am delighted to report at the
Full Town Council held on Monday 17th October, 2011 in the
Council Chamber, Town Hall, Marlborough at 7.00 pm.
the following councillors
Councillor A Kirk Wilson Town Mayor, Councillor S.R. Dobson, Councillor B. Castle, Councillor Mrs E.M. Hannaford-Dobson, Councillor N. Fogg, Councillor A. Ross, Councillor Mrs P. Dow, Councillor Mrs E. Fogg, Councillor A. Spranger, Councillor, Mrs M. Rose, Councillor G. Loosmore, Councillor R. Pitts, Councillor Mrs C. Jackson and Councillor N. Barrett-Morton
RESOLVED: unanimously that Marlborough Town Council replace the original motion with the following the following amended motion –
“Marlborough Town Council endorses the Transition Town movement and subscribes to its principles and ethos. This Council will strive to create a self reliant Marlborough, working with its partner organisations in the town and local area to lessen the impact of the rising cost of food, energy and transport. It will produce an action plan to review its budgets and services to achieve a reduction in energy costs and seek to initiate and promote a wide range of strategies for sustainability in the town.”
Proposed by Councillor R. Pitts, seconded by Councillor A. Ross and –
RESOLVED: unanimously that the motion be carried.
I owe a great debt to Councillor Mrs Edwina Fogg, who took the motion, (subject of a previous post on this blog), and removed the transition jargon. It was reported by Marlborough News online with a complaint about the transition jargon....
The motion had an immediate effect on the planning meeting that followed full Town Council, that the petrol station application next to Tesco's on the Salisbury Road business park, should provide LPG and electric charge points.
As I said in the meeting, I feel this will overall reduce council costs, maybe not so much in captial costs but certainly in running costs.
But its a huge step forward! Thank you fellow councillors!