
Cllr Rich Pitts Record of events

It’s officially Energy Saving Week!

Published by RichPitts on 25 October 2011 RichPitts

I had a really interesting email today...

It’s officially and this is the link  Energy Saving Week! 

I have to admit this had rather past me by but there is lots of interesting things to look at on the Trust website...But there are lots to think about as the EnErgy savings trust say on their website:

"Energy prices are rising - It’s an unavoidable fact. All six of the “big six” energy suppliers have announced gas and electricity price hikes in recent months. The price increases have already come into effect for five of the suppliers, with EDF expected to pass its increased energy prices onto its customers on the 10th of November."

(If your affected let TTMarlborough know....)

The Energy savings trust goes on to say "But the good news is you can take control of your bills this winter with the right know-how."

The Trust has got a week packed with competitions, news, question and answer sessions and much more.

What's happening each day? 

  • Tuesday: Microgeneration day (renewables)
  • Wednesday: Energy Saving Trust Recommended products day
  • Thursday: Energy efficiency in the home day
  • Friday: Transport day

I'll try and blog what come out from this....

